Friday, March 27, 2009

Healing and Recovery

Well, i'm home, recovering from surgery on the 26th - total laproscopic hystorectomy. Doing okay so far. Staying on top of the pain, which is a good thing. I'll be off all next week and the following Monday before returning half days to work. Then it'll be Easter break, more time to recover in hopes to return full time after. All went well but took longer than anticipated. I'm hoping to use my time off healing and scrapping or doing something scrapbook related!

Just ordered photoshop 4 from Costco; having a special of $30 off $79 regular price. Not too shabby, and i've heard that PS4 is pretty good and should be enough for my photo editing needs. I think it will be for quite some time.
Can we believe this weather? My van got a good beating from the hail storm Wed. nite. And i hear there's snow in the TX Panhandle. SNOW . . . in MARCH?!?!

Ciao' for now!
Just love cherry blossoms in the spring!!

1 comment:

Pam Sivage said...

Glad you are home and doing ok! Scrapping is a good way to speed your recvery!