Saturday, February 21, 2009

Inspired . . .

Okay, went to Archiver's because i'm working on, or should i say needing to work on, a special project for a special person and it's 'due' March 15th. So after picking up my son from a Saturday detention (another story for another day) i went to Archiver's. Ended spending 2 hours there. Why? Because it was a MakenTake day and i got hooked into doing a $10 makentake album. So cute! Anyway, they were showcasing the Zutter. I have the blue one, but of course now they have a newer, updated one in pink that supposedly does a bit more. I'm hoping i can do what i did in the class on my blue one; don't want to buy another one. It was simple and easy and turned out cute! I'm inspired to play with my Zutter and Dreamkuts a bit more. Teresa Collins has even come out with some premade covers and page protectors, which i really like. I love mini albums but on some wish they had page protectors. If i make my own using Zutter i can use TC page protectors. Okay, i think i got off topic . . .
So i went to Archiver's to see if i needed anything more for my special project only to end up leaving with stuff i wanted just because! I'm hoping once i pull myself away from the puter, i'll get started on this special project. Anyway, the Zutter has inspired me for the day!

That's all for now folks!!!!!!

1 comment:

Pam Sivage said...

Good for you! The BIA is a lot of fun to play with. At CHA we did a mini album using TC page protectors and they are neat!