wherever you are! (Hearing Barry Manilow singing this in the background)! Who is the 'you'? Pam! Congratulations! This post is for you! LOL!
Pam told me it's been too long since i posted, so once again convicted, i'm here catching up. It's been 17 days; too long, i know!
So what's happened since the last post? Not much. Staying busy at work, finishing up the first 9 weeks of school, buying more scrapping stuff than using it, and reading the Love Dare. Good book for anyone/all who would like to save or improve their marital relationship. I have seen FIREPROOF, and this book is from this movie. I'm on day four right now.
WW - still struggling with these first dang 5 lbs. I guess i've kinda been trying, so i can't expect it to come off if i'm not fully committed. But i've just got to or else . . . .
Well, off to finish final grades for the first 9 weeks which are due tomorrow to principal.
I'll try to come back before 17 days!
1 comment:
See guilt trip will make you do this every time :) Good to see you
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